The last POTA outing we had was at Santa Fe Prairie, also known as The Caboose.
It was a small group this time, Dan W9SAU, Mike KD9SJC, Vince NT9N, and me KD9TWA.
Parks on the Air is a contest-like activity where an operator goes to a State Park, etc, and tries to make more than ten contacts to activate that park.
It can be done as a group of individually.
Dan, who is Elmering us on the ways of CW, (morse code), activated on CW, Mike activated the park on phone and I activated the park with a combination of phone and FT8.
Vince was there for moral support and we all congratulated him for his article in the ARRL magazine QST.
The article was about the Santa Fe Prairie Nature Preserve and it’s ham radio operator friendliness.
K. Wm. “Bill” Deans KD9TWA