Radio Expo 2016


The Chicago FM Club would like to thank the following vendors for their donated prizes
at Radio Expo 2016.

  • Yeas
  • Sandy’s Communication
  • DX Engineering
  • Ham Radio Outlet
  • RF Adapter Guy
  • ARRL
  • West Mountain Engineering
  • Deco Electronics

Congratulations to all the winners!

Grand Prize winners:

  • Stephen Preston – Motorola TRBO e3500 HT
  • Alan Homan – Yaesu FT1D HT

ARRL Winners:

  • Alan Woodman – W9RUV
  • Keith Lovell – KB9KMJ

Hourly Drawings:

Marty Mast

  • Robert Dribbler – AB9TD
  • Richard Coplan
  • Fred Baguhn – W9GOC
  • Bob Benwitz – N9JAX
  • David Goble – WA9ZJI
  • Mary Nordstrom – KC9LGT
  • James Pizzuto – KC9HSM
  • Louis Daray – KD9GCE
  • Lee Nordstrom – KC9JQX
  • Steve Zahos – KR4S
  • John Moder – N9MXX
  • Connie Kelly – AC9CK
  • Cecil Attwell, Jr. – KB9LNK
  • Brendan Rowland – KC9CMD
  • Carey Schug
  • Troy Waicosky – WD9DKE
  • Brian Buchberger – KB9NDB
  • Jim Fritz – KC9ETG
  • Mike Bafaro – WA9ZEO
  • Erich Frauke – KC9WRB
  • Sue Eide – K9SUE
  • James Falzone – WA9PLW
  • Tom Price – NS9Y
  • David Hull – KD9CVI
  • Tony Casciato – KT9AC
  • Claude Horsman – WB9PMM


(from WA9FTS)

This should go in Radio Expo news.

Ron Ross of Electronic Rainbow passed away. He was an exhibitor for a number of years at Expo.

Greetings all,

More sad news today. We lost another friend last night. Ron Ross,
owner of Electronic Rainbow passed away from apparent heart attack at
home. He frequented many Hamfests & supplied a lot of us with electronic kits & also the maker
of the “zapper” radar detector tester.