Winter Field Day 2020


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Winter Field Day was held on January 25/26 2020 12.00 PM START TIME. We rented a Cabin in Palatine IL. Camp Reinberg.  It slept 10 people, Friday to Sunday. We normally put up 3 wires and 3 radios and a JS8 call station with a magnetic loop or some kind of antenna. 

From the Pres…

Winter field day went off without a hitch.

I would like to thank John N9SRY, Dave KC9JCF, Joe KC9BUF, Jim N9HIW, Mark WB9QZB, Matt KD9NVH, Keith KB0ULY, Tom AC9CO, for all their hard work, helping setting up, and then taking down the winter field day site, And, for bringing out all their equipment to use, etc.

I would like to take this time to thank everyone that
came out to visit us and work the contest.

We had 3 Dipoles and 3 HF Radios going, also we had DMR and Fusion setups as well.

Also visiting us was a Boy Scout Troop that was camping here.
There were about 10 to 12 kids.

Everyone pitched in to help out, and show the kids what Amateur Radio is all about.

There was plenty of food and laughs to go around.
By the end of it everyone left with little more knowledge and a lot of good memories.

For all the members that missed it, I hope you come out
to the CFMC Summer Field Day 2020.

Keep CQing ,
Paul N9JZY (President)