Who? W9C our special event callsign
What? Winter Field Day
When? January 29 and 30
Where? Camp Bullfrog Lake
Why? Why Not
The CFMC is again participating in the Winter Field Day.
The official operating time for the “event” is 13:00 CST on Saturday January 29th to 13:00 Sunday January 30th, but we’ll set up Friday afternoon and break camp Sunday afternoon.
Over nighting at the cabin, which has ten beds, is optional of course. Please feel free to come and go Friday, Saturday and Sunday.The large cabin has heat, electric, bathroom with shower, picnic table, covered porch and a fire pit. The gate/fence to the campground closes at 22:00, so plan accordingly. There will be food and drink. Camaraderie. Campfire. And oh yeah, radio.
We will be doing the contesting part of Winter Field Day. So if you need a little winter break without the pressure of the Holidays, come on out. All of the operating will be professional, but in CFMC fashion, low-key.
According to their website the Winter Field Day Association (WFDA) is a dedicated group of Amateur Radio Operators who believe that emergency communications in a winter environment is just as important as the preparations and practice that is done each summer but with some additional unique operational concerns. If you are serious about emergency communications as we are; we welcome you to join us for our yearly event. We are sure you will find this event a pleasant change and challenge to that of a normal summer time field day.
The location for the outing is:
Camp Bullfrog Lake
9600 Wolf Rd
Willow Springs, IL 60480
If you are a definite yes or a definite no please let us know so that we can begin menu planning.
73′ from all of the Officers and BOD Members.
From Paul and the group:
Chicago FM-club Winter field day January, 2022.
The Winter Field Day went off with great success!
We had over 20 visitors, including pictures of:
Paul, Barry, Mike, Conlan, Jeff, John, Shad, Vince, Greg, and Copper.
There were 3 radios going making contacts. One was a Yaesu FT891 go-box. And teaching hams that have never talked on HF before. For food, there was pizza, burgers, sausages, and hotdogs. Breakfast we had scrambled eggs and sausages, English muffins, and good old coffee.
Like we say come for the knowledge and stay for the fun.
I want to thank everyone that helped out setting up and tearing down!
And also all who came out.
Paul Gris N9JZY
CFMC president