Radio Expo 2015


“A message from the Radio Expo Chairperson Lynne”

This was my 2015 Radio Expo Chairperson experience.
My name is Lynne, N9CBE. I took on the job as Radio Expo Chairperson in late March of 2015. There were no takers back then in Sept 2014, so I took on the responsibility.
Now that Radio Expo 2015 is over, I personally want to thank the following volunteers:

  • KD9BBA Patrick, the table Chairman
  • K9VO Steve, my Co-Chairman.
  • WB9QZB Mark, our contact communication person

These jobs are manned throughout the entire year.

I was worried that CFMC would not be able to have a well-attended hamfest, but GOD watched over us!
Friday Sept 11, 2015 was our set-up day. This included moving tables & chairs into the buildings, greeting the vendors and the outside overnighters.

My set-up crew was:

  • KF9MY Leroy, who travelled from Kentucky to Tennessee 80 miles, then flew to O’Hare, rented a car, and picked up N9OS Scotty.
  • KA9CRV Tony, who flew in from Florida also rented a car.
  • WA4BGK Bob and his XYL Dale, drove in from Nashville TN.

We all met at the fairgrounds Friday morning about 10AM.
Other hams then joined us, including:

  • N9KTW Howard, our PA set-up man & YL Wendy,
  • KC9LQB Joe & XYL Lori,
  • K9VRT Vern,
  • KB9SAR Bob,
  • KB9WPA Andy,
  • N9QIY Bruce,
  • K9VO Steve.

This same group of CFMC volunteers also worked the Saturday’s hamfest event.
TICKET SALES at the front gate and early set-up Saturday were manned by:

  • KA9WYM Paul,
  • KB9SAR Bob,
  • W9GFH George,
  • N9OS Scotty,
  • N9QIY Bruce,
  • N9MXT Jeff,
  • KF9MY Leroy,
  • KC9USO Danny.

MIDNIGHT SECURITY and TICKET SALES the night before were handled by:

  • KC9LQB Joe,
  • KB9WPA Andy,
  • N9QIY Bruce.

Our Radio Expo VE Team was headed by:

  • AB9OP Mark,
  • AB9SX Jim, from Big Thunder Amateur Radio Club, Belvidere IL.,
  • K9VO Steve.

The PRIZE BOOTH was run by:

  • KB9AJM Tom,
  • Stephanie, KB9WPA’s XYL,
  • Wendy, N9KTW’s YL,
  • Dale WA4BGK’s XYL.

TEAR DOWN crew was:

  • KB9WPA Andy & XYL Stephanie,
  • KC9LQB & XYL Lori,
  • KA9ZZA Steve,
  • KB9SAR Bob,
  • N9MXT Jeff,
  • N9OS Scotty,
  • KF9MY Leroy,
  • K9VO Steve.

In conclusion to this message…
I would personally like to thank all the volunteers, vendors, and attendees for making Radio Expo 2015 a success!

Lynne N9CBE