Statement of Purpose
To encourage experimentation in the advancement of knowledge in the state of the art of electronics and communication.
To own and operate amateur radio repeater systems for the use and enjoyment of licensed radio amateurs and for the Benefit of the public good.
To be a bonafide amateur radio society within the meaning of Part 97 of Code 47 of Federal Regulations as amended from time to time.
To provide and further emergency and public service communications and encourage such communications on the part of amateur radio operators as set forth in the Communications Act of 1934 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as amended from time to time.
To further and support education in the field of electronics and communications.
For other scientific and educational purposes as defined in section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended from time to time relating to electronics and communications.
Chicago FM Club Constitution, Article II, Statement of Purpose
To that end, CFMC and our members invest their time and money in sustaining resources available to, and for the Amateur Radio Community.
2m, 220 & 440 MHz
CFMC has Chicagoland covered on all three bands, plus D-Star and Fusion Wires-X as well.
Seven Nights a Week
CFMC has nightly Nets on 440. There’s a 2m Net on Tuesday, and 220 Nets on Thursday and Saturday.
Monthly Sessions Available
VE Testing is available on-request immediately prior to the Club Monthly Meeting, 4th Wednesday of the Month.