Radio Expo 2021


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The 2021 Radio Expo was a success!

From the Officers to the Board and Members we would like to thank John N9SRY
(Radio Expo Chairman) for all his hard work on this year’s Radio Expo.

It takes a lot of time and energy to put a hamfest together; John did a fantastic job!

Thanks to all our CFMC members that came out to help setup, sell tickets, work at the prize booth, VE testing, working the office, tearing down, and anything else you did.

Radio Expo would like to thank all the vendors that came out and helped make this year’s Radio Expo a great success. Thank You.

Also thanks to all the companies that supported Expo with donations.
And all the people that set up in the flea market to sell, we also thank you too.

The weather was great, lots of vendors, tailgaters, and many people attended this year’s Expo.
I hope everyone had a good time.

We are looking forward to seeing you all at the 2022 Radio Expo.

Thank You so much!
Paul N9JZY (president)