Chicago FM Club and the Winter Field Day Association Presents…
What: Winter Field Day 2024.
Where: A cozy cabin at Camp Bullfrog Lake
9600 Wolf Rd. Willow Springs, IL
The cabin has 10 bunks, but 4 are already taken.
When: 3:00 PM Friday January 26 till 1:00 PM Sunday January 28.
Why: Besides the usual club camaraderie, Winter Field Day is a communications exercise, according to the Winter Field Day Association. Amateur radio operators may use frequencies on the HF, VHF, or UHF bands and are free to use any mode that can faithfully transmit the required exchange intact. WFD is formatted to help increase your level of preparedness for disasters and improve your operational skills in subpar conditions.
Bonus: The Friday Night Social will be held at the cabin. Pizza and soft drinks will be served.
We will try to operate around the clock, but we approach this event as an educational experience rather than an “In it to win it” event. You don’t even have to be licensed to participate. All guests can “get on the air” under the supervision of experienced CFMC amateur radio. Winter Field Day is always a very popular CFMC event. It gives the members a different perspective from our normal “shack” operation. We usually have three stations set up. That includes radios, antennas, power supplies and tuners. There is usually plenty of “show & tell too”.
Come for a few hours, the day, or spend the weekend. You don’t have to overnight but be aware that the main gate closes at 10PM.
Paul N9JZY, President
John N9SRY, Vice President
Taylor, K9TAY, Treasurer
Bill KD9TWA, Secretary